
We offer:
Manual Therapy for postural alignment, optimal athletic performance, injury recovery, and relief from chronic pain.
Shiatsu for deep relaxation, health maintenance, and rehabilitation.
Mindful Body Mobilization for improved mobility and reduced tension, improved freedom of movement in joints, fascia and muscles.

To book an appointment please click here.

If you would like book an appointment with Dixie, please contact her directly at 512.963.8333 (text preferred).

You can now pre-purchase services and products online here.

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“Devon is a miracle worker. Just one example – I have walked into his clinic with a migraine so bad I couldn’t drive myself there and walked out an hour later completely pain-free and fully functional. Give him a chance to help you – you won’t regret it!”  Marjorie R.


We are an Asian healing arts clinic in Northwest Austin. We have over 30 years of experience in Asian medicine. We bring our years of experience together with a zeal for helping others regain and maintain their health.

Tao Health Clinic offers a full range of services for those who seek to improve their health, optimize their athletic performance or recuperate from disease or injury. We offer diverse modalities of healing arts such as shiatsu, manual therapy, massage, herbs, and wellness coaching.


Devon Hornby, LMT

Devon is renowned for his ability to quickly and effectively treat pain and discomfort. He has worked with world class athletes as well as people from all walks of life. In his practices he specializes in, but is not limited to, hip and back pain, headaches, joint injuries, plantar fasciitis, nerve impingement, as well as most athletic injuries and chronic pain.

Devon is a licensed massage therapist and a highly regarded healing arts practitioner. He has been practicing the healing arts for over twenty five years. His practice of manual therapy is founded in many years of experience and training. He studied tuina (Chinese manual therapy) at the Rising Sun School of Somatic Arts, acupuncture and herbs at the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tao Shiatsu under the lineage founder, Ryokyu Endo sensei. Devon specializes in health maintenance, rehabilitation and pain relief.

Devon has been practicing the martial arts for over forty years. He has devoted the last twenty five years to the practice and study of tai chi and qigong. He has studied under numerous internal gongfu and qigong teachers and studied with and teaches in the style of Sifu Fong Ha. Devon is dedicated to promoting a lifestyle that is in accord with the universal principles of ecstasy, integrity, inner strength and personal transformation.

Devon has studied with a number of great teachers and masters of qigong, meditation, healing, and martial arts. He synthesizes the essence of what he has learned in a practical and straightforward manner. Devon’s practice of manual therapy and his classes reflect his dedication to make the profound heritage of Asian medicine accessible and approachable for anyone who wishes to improve their health and reach towards their full potential.

You can contact Devon by email at devon@taohealthclinic.com.


What’s Holding You Back

Freedom is an enticing, perhaps elusive, concept to most of us. We know we want it but we are not even sure what it would look like. What is apparent is that few of us feel like we are truly experiencing it right now.

Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves.
Thich Nhat Hahn

There are many things that can prevent us from experiencing freedom in our day to day lives, one important factor is trauma. To be clear, trauma is not an event or series of events in our lives but rather our reaction to those events. For one person an event may be extremely traumatic and for another completely inconsequential. What is relevant is that most of us have trauma that we carry locked in our bodies and it affects all aspects of our health both physical and mental. Because trauma affects how we perceive and interact with the world, it can be a profound constraint on our ability to live freely. In his groundbreaking new book The Myth of Normal, author Gabor Mate argues compellingly that the very nature of our current culture is inherently traumatic. Mate builds upon the work of visionaries such as Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score, and explores the way our experiences get trapped in our bodies, deeply affecting our health and well being.
It is clear now that trauma is physiological, it is in our bodies, therefore somatic therapies are essential to recovery. Polyvagal theory demonstrates that the trauma we experience becomes ingrained as postural habits. The dorsal vagal, fight, flight, or flee/freeze, response is encoded in our bodies with a forward projected head, slumped shoulders, and tight chest. It is important to note that this posture is overly common in our society due to overuse of computers. There is strong evidence to suggest that this posture can be acquired through habitual body use patterns and then take on the appearance of trauma in our life. Trauma tends to negatively affect our perception such that we perceive threats when they are not there which then goes on to reinforce our traumatic, disregulated outlook.

The good news is that we can access the embodied trauma we carry through somatic therapies such breath work and trauma informed manual therapy. Much healing can also be achieved through mindfulness meditation and movement therapies such as Tai Chi, qigong, and yoga.
If you are interested in deepening your healing journey and unlocking trauma patterns in your body, please consider contacting Devon here to discuss a strategy that best suits your needs.

Men, Improve Your Health Now

It is a fact that most men ignore their health until they are sick or hurt. They may work out to stay ‘fit’ but do very little to protect or improve their overall health. Health is much more than basic fitness. It is a comprehensive state of being encompassing our body, internally and externally, and our mind. It is much more much about how we feel and function than how we look. It is important for all of us to realize that, in regards to health, it is much better to be proactive. In order to keep your health in perspective, you should ask yourself on a regular basis:

How do I feel?
Am I at peace?
Am I physically capable to a degree that makes me feel confident and competent in my day to day life, in an emergency?
Are there any areas of my life with which I am dissatisfied? What can I do to improve them?

Some of these questions may stir up some concern, maybe even a bit (or a lot) of overwhelm. Keep in mind that it is NEVER too late to turn things around. The first step is accepting where you are, the next is acknowledging where you want to be. Then you must chart a course.

Health is a path not a place. Once we acknowledge where we are and where we would like to be, we can begin to chart a course. Typically the trick to success is to improve your trajectory by making small adjustments, corrections, and improvements although sometimes dramatic course corrections are necessary. There are multiple areas of our lives that constitute our overall health, metabolic function, diet, fitness, psycho-emotional state, and sexual well-being are a few important ones. It is best if we look at each of the areas and determine what needs to change. Making small, incremental, disciplined changes to our lifestyle can move us into a trajectory of improved health and increased satisfaction in life.

If you are having difficulty determining what are your best steps forward consider booking a health consultation with Devon. You can meet in person or virtually. You can book an appointment here.
Aging, What It Is and What It Is Not

Aging is often positively associated with increased wisdom, clarity of purpose, and increased responsibility which helps give meaning to our lives. Aging does not have to be marked by increased pain, weight gain, loss of strength, worsened metabolic function, lower hormonal production or any other of the long list of ills we can end up resigning ourselves to. Many of the health issues we associate with aging are actually the result of lifestyle habits we have adopted as we age and are reversible when we make the right adjustments. If you would like to get a handle on the many factors of healthy aging consider booking an appointment to talk to Devon here.
Prostate Health

One age related health complaint men often need to address at some point is prostate health. An enlarged prostate can disturb our sleep and become an annoying inconvenience during the day with frequent trips to the bathroom. Prostate health is complicated but simple steps like supplementing your diet with beta sisterol and limiting your refined carbohydrate intake often make a big difference. If you are struggling you may also want to consider trying the most recent addition to our herbal tincture formulas here at the clinic. Kai Kit San is a powerful formula which is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat the root causes of prostate and urinary dysfunction. Our first batch will be ready in about a week. Order some for pick up at the clinic here. We will let you know when it is ready.
Let’s Talk About Sex

A healthy sex life is often an integral part of a man’s wellness. The stresses of life and other metabolic and environmental factors can greatly reduce our sex drive and can even effect our ability to perform sexually through erectile dysfunction. Appropriate sleep, proper nutrition, hormonally intelligent exercise programs, and stress management techniques are all important tools to help us get to the right place but sometimes they are not enough. We have two valuable formulas at the clinic to help. Vigor is designed to increase sex drive and enhance your enjoyment of sex. It is derived from an ancient Chinese tonic that has been used for centuries with impressive results. Vigor XL is designed to go above and beyond by enhancing blood flow to the penis and thereby overcoming the common cause of erectile dysfunction. You can order both of these formulas online for pick up at the clinic here – Vigor and Vigor XL.


We are conveniently located in North Austin near the intersection of Hwy 183 and Oak Knoll Drive.

11917 Oak Knoll Drive, Suite B, Austin TX 78759

If you would like to contact us,  please fill out the form below.