Metal Element and Unrest

In Classical Chinese medicine, we organize phenomena into five phases of existence, these phases have elemental correspondences of fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. This method of organization allows us to analyze and see patterns in the human body and our external environment.

The metal element is of great importance at this point in history, in terms of our individual health and society as a whole. Within the correspondence of the metal element, we have the lungs which connect to respiration and immunity. In this time of widespread respiratory illness and social unrest, we can use the five-element system to understand our situation and gain insights on how to move forward.

In the virtue healing system of Wang Fengyi, we learn that the lungs/metal element can be injured by holding on to irritation. With this in mind and considering how divisive our society, and the world at large, has become there is no wonder that we are faced with a global outbreak of respiratory illness. Our intolerance leaves us rejecting the very humanity of our neighbors just because of differing priorities and viewpoints. Much like an allergic reaction, we are rejecting people, ideas, and perspectives due to a hyperactive sensitivity to what we perceive as threats when in fact they should be welcomed as opportunities to expand our perspective and our world.

The five element system teaches us that we can nurture the fortitude necessary to balance our metal element by engendering trust (earth element) and we can control the excesses by fostering our propriety/politeness (fire element). We can take deep breaths, practice compassion and generosity, do qigong and taiji, and seek to see the divine in every living creature that we meet.